Covid 19 Donations
CanadaHelps COVID-19 Healthcare & Hospital Fund with matched donations from Gore Mutual.
With generous community donations the Squamish Hospital Foundation was able to purchase the below to assist Squamish General Hospital during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Life pack and Crash Cart- $22,138.87
2 x Oxygen Concentrators for Hilltop House- $3,676
2 x inpatient beds- $25,252 VCH matched funding to purchase 4 in total
·Telemetry SP02 Packs $24,960.00 (funding split with the Squamish Hospital Auxiliary)
2 x Airvo Units $5,220.00
Ear Eye Scope for Hilltop House $4,162.20
Glidescope- $42,319.00
Squamish Mental Health funds towards outdoor gear for venerable community members $1,200
SGH collaborative space- $3,000.00 towards furnishing