The Foundation
The Squamish Hospital Foundation is deeply committed to its vision of ensuring the Sea to Sky community has access locally to high-quality, comprehensive healthcare. The Foundation has been in existence since 1995 and has worked tirelessly towards this vision, constantly evolving to meet community needs.
Our History
The Squamish Hospital first opened in 1952 to serve the growing needs of the Howe Sound corridor. A new facility was built in 1988 increasing the capacity. In 1984, Hilltop House was opened as an intermediate and long term care facility to complement the acute care services provided by Squamish General Hospital. Community fundraising was essential to the completion of each of these facilities.
By 1995, significant changes were occurring in the healthcare field. Provincial support for capital funding was dwindling, equipment was aging and the population served by the Hospital was changing.
Under the leadership of Dr. Laverne Kindree, the Squamish Hospital Foundation was incorporated in 1995 as the official fundraising body for the Squamish General Hospital and its affiliated Hilltop House. Through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has raised more than $2.5 million to improve healthcare in the community and the wider Sea to Sky region.
Changes have continued in healthcare and the community since the inception of the Foundation. Governance and management of the Squamish public healthcare facilities is now led by Vancouver Coastal Health Authority; the population of the corridor has increased by over 10,000 people since 1995; and the industries at the core of the community have changed.
While the changes have been significant, local healthcare professionals and the Squamish Hospital Foundation remain dedicated to the ongoing evolution of the Squamish General Hospital, Hilltop House and other public healthcare services in the community. Our hospital now serves the community with 20 acute care beds, inclusive of obstetrics as well as surgeries, chemotherapy treatment, dialysis, imaging services, emergency care and laboratory services; while Hilltop House has grown to provide care for 85 complex care residents.
Looking forward, the Squamish Hospital Foundation remains committed to ensuring that our community has access locally to high-quality, comprehensive healthcare.
Message from the Foundation
As the principal fundraising partner for acute and public health care in Squamish, the Board of the Squamish Hospital Foundation works hard to assist Vancouver Coastal Health in providing high quality healthcare to the people of Squamish and the Sea to Sky corridor.
We are currently updating our strategic plan, keeping in line with the mission and the vision of the Foundation.
The Squamish Hospital Foundation is committed to supporting public health facilities and services in Squamish and the Sea to Sky Corridor through working alongside our partners and donors. Thank you to our Community for your continued support, we look forward to working with you for many years to come.
Karyn Smith, President Squamish Hospital Foundation
Message from Vancouver Coastal Health
Since 1995, the Squamish Hospital Foundation (SHF) has been dedicated to ensuring exceptional health care for communities in the Sea to Sky corridor. The Foundation’s fundraising efforts, with your generous support, have made a significant impact, providing items that enhance the care and improve patient experiences at Squamish General Hospital, Hilltop House long-term care home, the Whistler Blackcomb Sea to Sky Community Hospice and our community programs.
At Vancouver Coastal Health, we deeply value our partnership with SHF and extend our gratitude to everyone in the community who supports the work they do. Together, we are working to enhance and expand health-care supports and services to communities in the Sea to Sky corridor.
Darlene MacKinnon, Vice-President
Coastal Community of Care, Vancouver Coastal Health
Dr. Peter Edmunds Senior Medical Director
Coastal Community of Care, Vancouver Coastal Health
Message from the Community
Our community is built by so many dedicated volunteer organizations whose efforts improve the quality of life and well-being of Squamish citizens.
As a critical hub for healthcare access within the Squamish Lillooet Regional District, it is imperative that Squamish General Hospital has the ability to provide the up-to-date diagnostics and care that our residents expect and deserve.
Foundations, such as the Squamish Hospital Foundation, undertake this important work, to close the gaps through their fundraising and partnership development, and ensure the needs of the Sea to Sky community are met.
I am grateful for the ongoing commitment and efforts of the Squamish Hospital Foundation and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of this strategic plan, and the benefits that will result for community members across our region.
Karen Elliot, Mayor District of Squamish